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Riding from the Heart

A New Book By

Sheryl Lynde








Meet Lucky

You can see by this first video that he was terrified of the fly spray. In order to get any control of him I finally put the fly spray bottle down and that is the only time he relaxed.

Now as you can see by the time stamped below each video - only 15 minutes has elasped and Lucky is much calmer as I fly spray his body and legs. Notice that his hind leg is calked in a relaxed position.

This is just an example of getting a start on overcoming fear. Is Lucky over his fear completely forever...? No - I continued to work with him for the next couple of weeks each day after his training session and he continues to overcome more of his fear and build confidence. When he goes home with his owner, his owner will continue to build on this foundation as well until one day - he will be over his fear completely.

The fly spray may represent anything that they are fearful of - water, tarps, plastic bags, etc. Everytime I work with a fearful horse, I go over in my head my 3 rules, #1 - I cannot get hurt, #2 - The horse cannot get hurt and #3 - The horse must be calmer at the end of the training session than at the beginning.

With these 3 rules in mind, a confident and calm demeanor and patience - you will be the partner your horse deserves.

Read more on what Sheryl has accomplished with
other horses that have had a variety of issues to overcome.

(Click on any of the horses' names below to read more on that horse)

Wiz Kid


To learn more on how you can become that rider your horse deserves -
give Sheryl a call!


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